About Me

Hi! I’m Vindeira, a Board Certified- Functional Nurse Health Coach. I am here to support you and guide you on your journey as you uncover the root cause(s) of your health issues.

Why? Because dealing with chronic illnesses is exhausting. And not just the disease process itself, but the research, the time it takes to go to multiple appointments, the medications, the side effects- all of this, it’s exhausting.

My goal is to help provide the education you are missing. This includes guiding you through food journaling and helping you to analyze the results to determine if there is a correlation with your symptoms. I help you to identify possible nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, and so on. I help teach you the side effects to look for with medications and how to prevent nutrient deficiencies that can occur. Lastly, I teach you about the interconnectedness of your body systems, so you can make lifestyle changes that are actively helping you to feel better.

We use food as medicine, but that is one part of the puzzle. We are also going to tackle stress management techniques since stress is also a driver of inflammation in the body. We will also discuss the environment (mold exposure, air allergens, toxins), and so much more. Reach out to me today for your free consultation! 

Vindeira, RN
Board Certified- Functional Nurse Health Coach

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Terms of Service/Website Disclaimer BioIndividual Health and Wellness health coaches do not diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition. Information (text, video, audio, and images) on this website are for informational and educational purposes only. Information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure and it is not to be considered medical advice or a substitute for medical advice. By using this website, you acknowledge that you take full responsibility for your health and health of your family and any consequences for your use or non use of any information on this website.